I was chatting with a business owner last week and he asked if I worked in health insurance.
I replied, “No, I actually run the health clinic in Anna (Ohio) that partners with businesses to drastically lower their healthcare spending.”
Healthcare. Boom. Mental Shutdown.
At the mere mention of healthcare his visceral response was palpable. “Well, I don’t understand all of that, my office manager takes care of that.”
I get it. I’m a business owner, too. I wish I could focus all day on all the things that bring growth and ignore all the decisions that feel necessary but painful.
But the beauty is that there is buried treasure in healthcare. And that buried treasure could likely be the key to higher retention, better recruiting and retention, healthier employees, and sustained growth, even in a recession.
Your Number Two Expense
The healthcare industry has successfully become both highly complex and ridiculously expensive. Yet, as a business owner, it’s likely your number two expense behind payroll. The average annual premium expenditure for an employee plus family is $21,372. So it’s pretty important for you to know where your hard- earned dollars are going.
Take prescriptions, for example. The US wastes $528.4 billion dollars annually to non-optimized medications.
So how does a business owner take control of their healthcare spend and remove this waste?
Aren’t there only a few options- raise the deductible, shop it out, or make your employees pay more?
No, the future of healthcare is here and it’s a win-win for everyone.
“Higher quality and lower prices sound too good to be true. What’s the catch?”
Healthcare is finally utilizing the same solution that drives innovation in your own industry: free market competition.
Notice how big screen TVs get bigger and better as prices go down?
It’s how Uber has dominated the taxi industry.
And why Airbnb had their best sales ever last month.
“Gosh, I can’t even imagine free market healthcare,” you might be wondering.
Exactly. Showing our insurance card and paying later has been drilled into our head our entire life. The status quo has become to insure every single health item and procedure possible.
Think about car insurance. Does your car insurance pay for windshield wipers or oil changes?
Absolutely not! You pay cash for them and shop for the best value.
Ding ding ding! Cash is king.
Direct Primary Care
So, what does free market healthcare look like for a business?
It’s called Direct Primary Care. And it’s like Netflix for healthcare.
A small, monthly subscription fee gives employees 24/7 access with no copays, no deductibles, no wait times, and 30-60min visits.
Free market innovation wins again.
For the cost of a cell phone bill, employees can opt in to a Direct Primary Care clinic any time during the year and get nearly unlimited access to their provider without leaving their workstation.
Direct Primary Care reduces employer healthcare spending by 30-60%. That’s a savings of $2,551 per employee per year.
Say goodbye to expensive sickcare. The future of healthcare is here and you don’t want to ignore it.
Learn more about Direct Primary Care here.
Use our Return on Investment Calculator to estimate your savings.
To get started, contact Dr. Lisa Marino at 937-232-5237 or victresshealthandwellness@gmail.com